
exams & prata

i'm telling you, these exams are killing me. my timeline for the days is damn haphazard (?!) one. night becomes day, day becomes night. couple with the damn buay song workplace, maybe my realisation becoming a psychopath serial killer might just be realised.

so thinking that more sleep can energised me more for sunday's last minute preparation, i slept early today, after coming back from work at 4. wah piang, so tired, i slept until 2am. now head spinning, and no mood to study. wah liau so typical one of me. so what i do? surf lor.

then i come across this site. haha! somehow got same theme as my dilemma one. exams lor. so terror one that fella. i think last time once i've answered a probability question by writing down the recipe on how to make a good prata. more of the pictures below.

talking of prata, The Prata N will be coming down to work this monday. the big daddy. the chief. the ahbuthan. i look at the itenary he come down look look ony for a few hours. but wah liau, preparations damn blardy hell one. somehow i donno if these visits are that useful one. we prepare so much, then show face for 2 hours ony.

like, wtf!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I was the teacher marking those papers ,i'll give an A+...Imagination is more powerful than Knowledge.