

setiap tahun pabila persidangan umno disampaikan, mesti ada beberapa skandal yang dipertengahkan. sidini makan rasuah lah, sidituh hancurkan nama lah, sidini pecah tembelangkan lah, sidituh nangis lah, sidini tak puas lah dan macam macam lagi lah.

nasib baik samy velu takde. kalau tak, agaknya si "pengganas" di london pun agaknya jatuh pengsan.

tapi macam beginilah rangkaian melayu. dari makcik bawah blok, ke mat yang sedang taip ni benda hingga ke ahli politik di tanah melayu...mesti ada isu yang nak diperbesar besarkan. tiap hari minggu lalu saya tonton buletin utama (takde pilihan beb), seringkali nampak sidini melalak macam burung merbuk tak boleh terbang, sidituh berteriak pasal resolusi tak menjadi, sidini cakap dia takde harapan lagi...

apa nih?! selalunya kan persidangan parti patutnya mempertengahkan isu isu untuk menolong dasar negeri dan kemasyarakatan? tapi saya tengok diaorang macam dramatis yang sedang berlakon dalam drama swasta terbitan. cuma yang kali nih diaorang nye pelakon mempertengahkan kelakonan mereka dengan sungguh *oomph*. cuma dialog ajer yang sikit tak kenal tempat pasal cuma asik pekik sama suara nak nangis ajer.

skandal seperti nih macam tak habis habis lah. dari zaman musa hitam sampai sekarang semua nak rebut kuasa. semua tamak haloba. semua nak mempentingkan diri. kalau begini telah terjadi, apasal diaorang jadi ahli parti pada mulanya? macam muslihat kan?

apa nak jadi ngan diaorang pun saya tak tau. agaknya satu hari nanti nama parti akan ditukarkan dari itu kepada, "U Malay? NO!"


eh maccow. skarang polis london nak suka tembak tembak orang kat sana.

apa nak jadi kat diaorang nih. macam bodohkan? seperti apa yang selalu dipertengahkan, keganasan akan hanya timbulkan lebih keganasan. hanya resolusi, kesefahaman dan dialog boleh menghuraikan keadaan begini.

tuh takpe, yang buatkan saya takut, nanti si gahmen singapura nih pun akan syiok sendiri ikut cara si polis owang putih tuh.

saya bukan takut pengganas. saya takut orang bodoh bawak pistol pasal dengar arahan orang atas lepas tuh dapat sijil konon konon atas keberanian dan lepas tuh dapat bonus 3 bulan.

macam nih saya nak pakai helmet besi bila naik mrt lah.


Anonymous said...

Kita perlukan satu REFORMASI untuk mengatasi spekulasi yg sudah basi...

Anonymous said...

Kau ada PKMS nyer logo? aku nak track down Khalid Baboo

Anonymous said...

biar lah dorang tembak2. dorang nanti mati in hell!

Anonymous said...

ayah pin: saya nak pin nombor pm lee.

mohd manic: ko nak track dia buat apa? dia putuskan guitar nye tali?

aidiL: in hell tuh tandanya dah mati lah.

Anonymous said...

Betul nak nombor pin pm lee? 6666666

Anonymous said...

Mr Sarip mau join kerajaan Langit?Aku mau lantik kau jadi CEO.Gaji sikit lebih kurang macam TT Durai.Bonos 1 tahun..

Anonymous said...

Allah will punish you inshallah! You will be punished badley inshallah from god allah the creator who created you and your mother... Be ready any time he will tell you ...............ya khuda is insaan par ghazab dhal dei amine sum amin.

My name is shahid, I'm a muslim by the grace of allah, I want to tell you that you are a satan and inshallah allah will punish you and you will cry but then no body will be there to hear you but allah will be there....you will cry for death but your death will not come sooner....be ready for this. Allah will punish you.... You did very wrong, you hurt me and my heart, and I'm crying right now, I have tears in my heart because what you are trying to do is not harmless for us but is for you because you are saying bad about your master allah ??? Nauz u bila.... I want you to say toba because his ("allah") rehmat and blessings are always every where but if you will not regret on your sin then you and your team will see the allah this time.... And no body will save you this is my promise. I know you will tell me by the grace of lord allah, the creator of all the creations... May allah take care of this metter... Amine sum amine.. Allah hafiz a muslim of Allah , who is sweatest among the sweatest and beautiful among the beautiful., And greatest among the greatest.

Anonymous said...

Allah will punish you inshallah! You will be punished badley inshallah from god allah the creator who created you and your mother... Be ready any time he will tell you ...............ya khuda is insaan par ghazab dhal dei amine sum amin.

My name is shahid, I'm a muslim by the grace of allah, I want to tell you that you are a satan and inshallah allah will punish you and you will cry but then no body will be there to hear you but allah will be there....you will cry for death but your death will not come sooner....be ready for this. Allah will punish you.... You did very wrong, you hurt me and my heart, and I'm crying right now, I have tears in my heart because what you are trying to do is not harmless for us but is for you because you are saying bad about your master allah ??? Nauz u bila.... I want you to say toba because his ("allah") rehmat and blessings are always every where but if you will not regret on your sin then you and your team will see the allah this time.... And no body will save you this is my promise. I know you will tell me by the grace of lord allah, the creator of all the creations... May allah take care of this metter... Amine sum amine.. Allah hafiz a muslim of Allah , who is sweatest among the sweatest and beautiful among the beautiful., And greatest among the greatest.

Anonymous said...

eh beb, takda archive lagi eh? aku baru balik indonesia laa...2 bulan tak masuk sini.
hidup semula PKI!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh panasssssssssssssssss
I am melting..........................
AHH PANAS........................................
TOLONG Sarip TOLONG..............

Anonymous said...

Ahhh panasssssssssssssssss
I am melting..........................
AHH PANAS........................................
TOLONG Sarip TOLONG..............

Anonymous said...

shahid: alamak. u extreme skater ah? last time i used to go bishan park and margaret drive but then i stopped cos i got hurt very badley. very badley.

ladyinred: ada per tuh. kan ada + sign kat sebelah kanan atas ni skrin. lebih baik jumpa, kalau tak nanti abg shahid marah.

ayah pin: ko dah macam artikel dalam majalah rampaisari.